I have my hair short in back and longer on the sides, and layered. I blow dry the roots and scrunch it with gel - makes me look like I have thick, curly hair. For a change, I blow dry with a round brush for a smoother look, but it doesn't stay as long, even with gel. My hair is baby-fine with no body but some wave. I let my stylist play with cut and color because she knows my hair better than I do- and hers is baby-fine, too. I currently have it Neapolitan ice cream colors (Dark chocolate brown, blonde, and red streaks)!! I used to have streaks of blue, purple, pink, green, whatever - not all at once but one at a time. But the job I have now has a dress code that says hair has to be a 'natural' hair color. I guess one of the front line staff had lime green hair one day (tennis ball green), and the stodgy old board member who saw it freaked out!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich