I echo everyone's welcome to you and want to share that my Mom had breast cancer and her left breast was removed. That was almost five years ago and she is fine!

But I'm very upset with YOU. I just visited your web page and you don't possess ONE SINGLE WRINKLE. How old are you? 10?

Have you girls noticed that it seems like everybody that joins here is beautiful? And that's inside and out.

Welcome friend. You have a home here but only if you go out and get some wrinkles, k? What? Hey, I got um...she should have to have um too!
(Queen hiking up robes and leaving room in a huff)

If you haven't dropped in on her web page, you need to. It all about getting organized. Wuhooo! Boy, could I use that or what? Make sure you look at the pic's so you get a feel for her expertise!