I will become a MIL this spring & having never been one. I only have my own personal thoughts as a DIL to go on. I love my future DIL, yet realize she is NOT me or I her, we get along wonderfully & I don't want to screw this up. So for the sake of vast prespective, Might I ask of you...IF you could give advise to YOUR own MIL about some DO's or DON'T's, Quailiies you wish she had, or Thank her for Qualities you're glad she has. What would You say? This can also give me fodder for conversation with her as well, so casually I can ask her what her what she wants in a MIL..topics if you will for when she says "OH You're fine", Nobody's that fine. LOL
Striving to be a Good MIL, willing to listen & learn, QBall
PS I get along for the most part Great with my MIL, but being aware of my trigger points with her, LOL I will NOT make my DIL the QBALL or clean stuff in her home, unless she asks me to.
"Qball, the ball poked at to get the other balls to do stuff" IE: MY MIL pesters me to get my hub & sons to do what SHE thinks they need to or should, and DH & Sons pester me to get one or the other to do things too. Hence QBall. LOL