Thanks for all the insight for my sister. Lots to consider.

Speaker, you're right about the drug reps. My husband is an eye doctor and he has reps dropping off every kind of new drop you can imagine. All anyone knows is what they've been told by reps, who have been told by the drug companies, who are trying to make the big bucks. That's why we need to do our own research.

I've found that we can educate ourselves better than some doctors if we are willing to research.

My youngest sister was famous for this when my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. She was on every kind of site you could imagine corresponding with people who knew more than she did. At one point she recommended a drug to Mom's doctor for Mom. He reviewed it and thought it wasn't the best drug to try, but thanked her and said he bookmarked the site she recommended because it was one of the best he'd been on and he didn't know about it.

As we've said in here before...we are our best advocates!