
Many of you know I traveled to Hallmark HEadquarters for their first ever blog conference a couple months ago. I love staying in touch with them about their latest and greatest contests and products. So here's a little bit of their latest news. I hope you will consider entering. I know we have lots of pet lovers and good photographers among us. Here goes:

Hallmark’s launching the second phase of the consumer card design contest, which invites people to make their pets the star of the show. They are asking America to send in their funniest, most endearing, cutest, or most creative pet photos, along with a corresponding “birthday” greeting. As with the last contest, these entries will be judged and voted upon, and the winners will be turned into actual greeting cards.

Sixty-seven (THAT'S A LOT) finalists will have the opportunity to have their cards printed and sold to the public and to winning cash prizes. In addition to being sold in stores, the grand prize winner’s card will be available for sale at for at least a year and may become part of another card collection! That person also will win $1,000 PLUS a trip to Hallmark with their pet for a professional photo shoot and workshop with Hallmark’s creative team.

The contest had begun, so people can log in at anytime between now and Feb. 3 (HURRY AND DO IT NOW) to upload your best pet photo and birthday greeting.

I'd love a boomer woman to win!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.