I was talking with a friend who owns a pharmacy and is also a vitamin supplier.

Wow, the things he had to share about the industry!

One thing he mentioned which I found to be interesting and believable is that in ten years the use of prescription drugs will more than likely double.

Why? research continues to find reasons to medicate us whether we need it or not.

Also, children have never taken as many prescription drugs as they now take and they will not get off them as they grow. He believes more will be added to their regimen to offset side effects of the medications they are now taking.

He mentioned that doctors don't always take into account side effects of medications. When a patient complains of anohte ailment after starting amedication, they simply prescribe another medication to fix that problem instead of trying another med for the initial problem.

Any thoughts?

I found everything he had to say to be so true yet such a shame. He complained that doctors don't have the time to spend with patients because of the HMO's. Doctors collect a small payment from the HMO's and therefore have to work harder, see more patients so they can make an honest living...if you call getting them in and getting them out honest!

So much to think about.
Any thoughts? [Eek!]