Aw, shucks, Evie... I opened my big mouth, so all comments are fair game (be gentle is all I ask). Yes, I've thought about it... can't afford much in the way of counseling, and the free stuff isn't worth much. Right now, I'm burying myself in the stuff that I do best... my writing, my prayers and meditations, taking care of myself and everybody else as best I can... Dale Carnegie wrote this fantastic book, which is not nearly as pobpular as _How to Win Friends & Influence People_, but it's much, much better... it's called _How to Stop Worrying and Start Living_. Essentially, Mr. Carnegie's advice is to let go of, and stop trying to control things, that are beyond your reach and control.

Instead, keep yourself too busy for worry to creep in. Do all that you can do, in the time you have to do it in. One day at a time, and all that. I have found that even the best counseling can't tell me what's right for me and my life. I'm the only one that can figure that out. So I'm going to figure that out by just living and making the most of what I need to accomplish.

A few things have fallen into place. My professor freind told me yesterday that he's still interested in using my poetry collection in his classes! So amazingly, my poetry book will well pretty well, even if it's only stuff I'm buying with my author's discount. I still get my profit by selling the book to his students.

Friday, 11/7, I am going to meet with the supervisor of my Vocational Rehabilitation counselor.... the supervisor from Hell rejected my business plan for being an author, after she demanded that I write it in the first place. I have to try to convince her to make exceptions for me and fund my self-publishing projects. Pleae send me prayers and good thoughts... I don't know what I am going to do if she still denies me.

And my former publisher, who promised me a refund for my dissatisfactions by the end of October, has still not sent me a check. I have sent her two reminders now. I could have one of my books in print almost immediately if she would only keep her promise to me....which would greatly improve my outlook on life.
