Sometimes snoring can be eliminated by having a vaporizer running in the room. this is best done during the dry winter months, when you aren't going to mind a little extra warmth in the room. When my hubby starts to snore like a freight train from hell, I touch his nostrils with a couple of little gloms of Vicks VapoRub. I also rub his chest and throat, if I can get to them. Because his snoring is mostly a product of a badly deviated septum, this works wonderfully. He's also very cooperative by letting me turn him over in his sleep, which I know is a rare luxury among men. Anyway, yes, I do believe some women snore that badly (I think I probably do), and I'm sure that folks in ages past were sensible enough to have separate bedrooms because of different committments of sleep patterns, work patterns, newborns and such... there wasn't the same assumption of total emotional intimacy in those eras, either, so no one thought it was strange. In fact, they might have thought it strange if marrieds always shared the same bed ("Whats' the matter, your house is too small for you to have your own boudoir?") But these days, who can afford to have an extra room just for the luxury of it? But if you've got a medical reason for sleeping alone (like, your mate's snoring won't let you sleep), by all means, go for it!

I've had problems sleeping for many, many years. My shrink and I think that my present problems may be due to side effects of my Prozac... so I take Ambien on a regular basis (every other night or so). It still leaves me a bit groggy in the morning, but that quickly wears off. When I take it, I don't hear any snoring, thunder, lamps falling over, knocks at the door, nada, zip. So I'm a happy sleeper now!