OK Ladies....I am having difficulty dealing with my impending empty nest. My son has been away at school for three years. When he left, I cried like a baby. He, my daughter and I had been on our own together for 10 years, and it was extremely hard. Obviously, I got used to it and like all of the above posts, it is a bit chaotic for me when he comes home for the summer or on break. Then I get used to having him around again and then he is gone again. This week, my daughter is on her senior trip to Florida. When I dropped her off at school and watched her walk away with her suitcase, I realized that in just a few short months she will be leaving for college as well. I started crying...actually my eyes fill just writing this. On top of this, I will be turning 50 in May which to my surprise is not coming as easily as I expected. This, in combination with this damn perimenopause has thrown me into some serious reflection and lots of what if's. Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips for this transitional time? I have not been feeling particularly cheerful these days.
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