I have and am taking the entire week off from work. I am staying home and cleaning my house. It appears that my employers have given me a gift. More time off. As I have been basically demoted I will look at the bright side. I am now a part time person and that is all I will give, a part time effort.

I do have a plan 'B', another career. I have been told by many that business is not always fair. I'm not going to cry in my soup and feel hurt because I am female and over 50.

I am glad that I have had a plan 'B' for a while now as I saw the writing on the was over a year ago as my company goes through transition periods and staff on a regular basis.

My motto is have a plan 'B' for every aspect of your life. This doesn't mean you will escape the stress, it just means you will get over it faster. And I am now over it. Time to move on.

Thanks everyone.