katebecca, I also just received your Christmas card. Canada to Texas - what a trip... THANKS! so much glitter..I had it all over me AND I sparkled too!

I am so with the karma/the universe/my protector thing - no matter whose contacts they are, you are being tested. Good attitude reigns supreme... I once had a similar situation, but in the accounting field. I was responsible for four disbursement accounts for an international company. The accounts were multi-million dollar accounts. When I first working in this particular accounting department, I knew NOTHING about what I was doing. I struggled, and I must note, struggled badly. I didn't think I would EVER conquer the tasks before me, not to mention meeting the accounting deadlines each month, quarter and year. But, finally, it all fell into place and I was called upon to handle more accounts, some of which had been neglected and messed up terribly for years. I whipped them into shape with my newly learned preciseness (I prided myself on balancing the accounts to the penny). Well, about two years into my department stay, it was split by the corp. powers that be. I was placed under a ghoul of a manager, who had a drunkard as a lead placed over me. I gave them h***. After having to train several supervisors before, I was displeased to say the least, because I had done the slaving and could have an account balanced, my journal entries finalized and be helping someone else on their work before month end was even to be thought about. THEN, of all the THINGS, my new managers wanted me to show my lead, plus the counter lead how I was able to master the accounts in such a way that I had time in my month to spare. The manager had us sit in a small room (the 3 of us around a single table) and I innocently started showing them the tricks of my system. Then on the second day, we gathered and I picked up where we'd left off the prior day... from no understandable reason, my words froze in my throat and I refused to continue. I walked out of the room without explanation and never returned. They couldn't let me go. I had done nothing wrong. I was doing my job. But, I have to say, I think karma/the universe/my protector protected me. I was doing as I had been told, in a pleasant and business acceptable way. The thing is SOMETHING stepped in and protected me.
I was never hurt by this. When the company sold to an even bigger company, I was commissioned (and housed) to go to the new office (in another city) and train the employees who took on my accounts... which turned out to be three people. Note: I am not blowing my horn. I'm just giving you an idea of what cooperation might do for you. And, what karma/the universe/my protector might have to throw in to the mix.