PretiP, first of all, welcome to the board. By your brief summary of happenings, it sounds like your parents are in the best place they can be. They're alone yet have the round the clock care needed. That's really the best thing for them. At home, they would need a home health care agency and I'm not sure what resources they have...doesn't sound like much. I know you feel urgent about having "the talk" but if they react angrily when it's brought up, maybe giving it some time for them to make that decision on their own is best. Or talk to a social worker at the facility about your concerns. Leave some of that up to them (social workers)and also their doctors. They can help them assess the situation of assisted living versus going home in feasibility and dollars and cents. Maybe that will lead them to their own difficult decisions and you can just stand by and be a positive support. Keep us posted and tell us some things about yourself when you get a chance. We're always here.
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett