I think ideas for skin care should be next...
Did you know that regardless of their income, our French sisters go to the salon four times on average a week? Our Italian sisters also visit about once a week! Wouldn't that be lovely? I am huge on skin care, here's some ideas
- I make sure that I scrub my skin, head to toe, every other day! Other women constantly tell me I have beautiful skin, I think it is my routine, I've had it all my life!
I scrub my skin every other day to get dead skin cells off and moisterize HEAVILY afterwards. I am so used to sloughing off dead cells that I use a scrub brush!
I use a moisterizer every single day on my whole body, head to toe. I never miss a day! I feel like I give of myself when I work, or in some way, every single day so I will take good care of myself first! I use a dermatoligist recommended lotion for my skin which is sensitive so I don't use all the expensive lotions which is unlike me! I use lubriderm, and I use Eucerin creme over that to make sure I'm soft skinned!
I was my face with a good cleanser. I pay decent money for my face wash because it needs to be treated specially. My face is what everyone sees first! I use a moisterizer that is approved by a derm too. I don't take a chance of having my face misbehave.
- There are only two REAL ways to rid yourself of wrinkles. I use one. There is plastic surgery and there is Retin-A cream or it's sister cream Renova. I use Retin-A for strength and let my face peel away many times a year. It keeps my face from having any discolorations brown or red. It keeps my skin even and I think I have fewer wrinkles because I use it. I try to have my face peeled now and again to help out too.
- Depuffing eyes is a biggie! I use a product that lasts for days when I use it but there are daily products that work very well. If you depuff your eyes, there is less chance of those hanging under eyes when we are older. I make sure my eyes don't get too puffy!
- we all are brushing our lips, right? If you are getting really good at it and your lips don't hurt, you can use your electric toothbrush like I do. lol.
- There are inexpensive facial peels available at salons that are EXCELLENT for taking some of that dead skin off and even reducing wrinkles. I'll let you know what they are called if you are interested!
-wash that make up off every single night! I've never missed a night so if that has to do with my skin being nice, I do it! Take off make up and use moisterizer for your face!
- Use a mask on your face whenever you have time, it reduces pores. (The cream above, Retin A is superb for reducing pores!) A mask reduces pores, deep cleans and give you a new slate. It takes off more dead skin cells than scrubing and hurts less! Use a clay mask no matter what they tell you!
- To see an immediate change in your skin, start to use a scrub with something in it to gently exfoliate your skin, and use a moisterizer afterwards. You should get a good exfoliater and use it often. We cannot over do it unless we leave our skin red. Remember: faces cannot be moisterized really, from the outside, we can only keep water on our skin. This means that if we exfoliate we are not drying out our skin, we are exposing new skin to make softer with whatever moisture we put on it!
To be your own botox:
don't squint, use sunglasses,
don't put an angry face on, it WILL stay!
keep your face relaxed more, it will stop wrinkles!
(Yoga relaxes the face and you will start doing it naturally!)
remember that laugh lines are ok, they go away when we smile!
stop raising your eyes at things.
LOL, the less you use your facial muscles, (botox freezes them,) the less you will wrinkle. Ballerinas wrinkle slowly because we must keep our face without expression!
don't spend a fortune on a cream because it does this or that, see above, only two things really change the surface of the skin, well, three, a facial peel does too!

And remember to use perfume because the French say:

"A woman without perfume has no future!"


"Question your privilege"