I'm in. Guess whattttt? I had dinner tonight with one of the ladies from the forum here. Sherri Smith and her darling hubby were traveling through town and rang me up to have dinner with them. How cool was that?

I met them at Crackle Barrell, and got to meet Steve for the first time. Sherri and I had met a couple of years ago when she came through here. Or was it last year? Oh geeish. The power just went out on my brain again!

Anyway, Steve is fun and witty, just like Sherri. And let it be known right here and now that I found out what holds up Steve's halo....it is the horns on his head, the little devil. He got Sherri and I pretty good a couple of times.

Anyway, Sherri is back to her old self after a couple of very trying years and I couldn't be happier for both of them. They are such nice people. She wanted to know about Vegas, so hopefully, she'll be there! Wuhooo!

For those of you who are new to the community, Sherri is a long time member here, and she is also a member of the NABBW. Just FYI...