There is no formal plan yet, but here's what we're thinking:

I plan on arriving Thursday in the afternoon and leaving Sunday, probably morning, so I am hoping to have all of Friday and Saturday day and night to hang with the girls. The dates are April 10- April 13th, 2008.

We should all stay at the same hotel (looking into group rate).

I'm thinking we shouldn't make formal plans. However, maybe we could have a couple things to do if women wanted. Then you could go to a show, or hang out, walk, shop, gamble (Chick)whatever.

What are your thoughts?

This is not by any means a conference. I don't want to do that. I just want it be a Girl's Weekend Away. I will open it up to anyone, and you are free to bring friends too.

Women will find their own transportation, book their own rooms, but at the same place and a group rate. We could plan one big dinner out if everyone wanted.

Thought please.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.