Thanks...I got through it (see below) and did have some good laughs because of the babies. They kept my mind off things and my husband was right there by my side...he's my rock.

Dianne, being myself means I tried to forgive people and move on...but, it's not happening with these folks. I've tried and they do not recipricate, so I'm beating my head against the wall. It hurts knowing Larry and I were the ones wrong and we've received no apology from the kids and the parents are mad at me because I stood up to their kids (not kids...they're so-called adults with parents who still treat them like kids and in turn the kids act like know what I'm saying?). So, this year I said screw it...I'm not going to try anymore...and I was right...things haven't changed. The good thing is the ex wasn't there and that was a huge relief.

Hey Dotsie,
At the time you wrote this we were on our way to my step-DIL's house. Thank goodness the ex wasn't there. Larry was more relaxed because of it and I think everyone in general liked that, too. Sad to say but that woman rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
My step-DIL's mother was there and she ignored me as usual. Larry saw it finally and said it was rediculous. She sat down by Larry with their grandson and completely ignored me and she offered my MIL cake but bypassed me (I was sitting by my MIL). She's been so rude but it explains why I had to set her daughter straight in how she talked to me over two years ago. I tried last year to be polite and civil but I guess Michelle's mom enjoys acting superior and rude...I guess it makes her feel good. It explains a lot about her daughter's behavior and why she thinks it's okay to treat people badly.

And here's something that I was totally surprised that they did and something I would never do. They bought little Anna who is only 2 a motorized John Deere Tractor. She actually sits on it and pushes a pedel and it drives...She was slamming into the fence and into her jungle gym and almost ran over my MIL who is 74 and me and other folks. There's no way I would put my child of two years of age in charge of a vehicle like that. Even the 4 year old (Anna's friend) was not doing the best. At one point Anna was holding on to the back and pushing it (so she was being drive by her 4 year old friend). Anna slipped and didn't let go and was being dragged behind it by the 4 year old...everyone was laughing and saying how cute...I thought it was irresponsible and dangerous. Who buys a motorized vehicle for a 2 year old? or am I behind the times?
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards