Well....I'm glad I helped a little, although that was not my intention.

I try to make sure I celebrate life every day. Four and 1/2 years ago, I was rushed to the hospital with a blood clot on the brain. That day was my birthday. The next day, Easter, I had my first brain surgery. Over the next month I had 2 more surgeries.

Obviously I survived. But I did more than that. I really learned to LIVE. God isn't finished with his little pencil yet.

I only had a blood clot.
I did not have a tumor.
I did not have cancer.
I did not have a stroke.
And here I am with no brain damage.

Over a month later, I was released from the hospital. The following year my birthday was on Saturday. I had a CELEBRATE LIFE party. I haven't stopped celebrating yet.

Every day, I start my day by thanking God for at least 10 things in my life. Some days they are big things. But other times I thank God for the air I breathe, my home, job, car and things most of us take for granted. Did you ever thank God for the ability to close your eyes?

Have a great 2008
God's Little Pencil,

