Here just outside Las Vegas is a mysterious, suppose to be non-existant air force base called Area 51. Top secret stuff!!!

One day a man was flying out of Vegas in his private plane for a business meeting, the plane landed in Area 51. It was immediately surrounded and the pilot dragged out of the Cessna jet and taken inside a hanger. He was questioned and his plane gone over with a fine tooth comb. He wasn't a spy or terrorist, simply a man whose plane had ignition problems, they debriefed the man and fixed his plane...

Early the next morning he was released and sent on his way with warnings of Federal prison if he ever mentioined even having seen this non-eistant base. Off he went back to Vegas and home...

Later that afternoon to the shock of the air force, here he came again, only this time another person was in his plane too as he landed his Cessna in Area 51.
He was immediatelyt surrounded by MP's with guns drawn. The man leaped from the plane, dropped to his knees, hands high above his head and screamed, "arrest me, throw me in prison or shoot me, but thats my wife in the plane. please tell her where I was last night, pleeeaaassseeeee."

What happens in Area 51, stays in Area 51, he, he,...
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