Dear NYWoman, I've lived in Great Falls, MT while stationed at Malmstrom AFB. It is a very 'family oriented' town. Hope you like snow b/c it snowed Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends! Yet, there's a great pancake house on Fox Farm Road, waterfalls, CM Russell Museum, B&Bs, charming homes, etc.

I know what its like being an outsider, I've also struggled with that most of my life. Now, I accept my "geekish" self and found moving to the country with less folks enlightening. Yes, its an oxymoron, I miss being part of a 'family' or 'group', yet crave being on the outside or in the country away from crowds! Gosh, now the city is moving out my way and I'll need to move further out!

NYWoman, God Bless ya & let us know how your moving plans come along!