Hello Sandi with an "I" and Kasey with a "K" this is Lynnie with an "ie." How else would you spell Lynnie? Only my family & very very very close friends are allowed to call me Lynnie. Others have to call me Princess! My happiness moment came today when the daffodils I BOUGHT opened up. I'm not used to buying daffodils. I'm used to planting the bulbs in the fall for spring blooms. I am in this brand new house & we have no landscaping yet. So I purchased daffodils. BTW, daffodils are used by the American Cancer Society as a symbol of something for cancer patients. The doggies love to rock & roll in the dirt of the back yard. That is their happiness moment! LL, L

[ March 02, 2006, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Lynnie ]