Poor dear Meredith took a nose dive off the piano and landed on Sandpiper, who fell against Anno, who slammed into Danita,...and so on, and so on. It looked like a game of giant dominos going on.

In the meantime across town, they were making ready all the rooms on the 12th. floor for the invasion of the Boomer babes. These rooms were so beautiful, some even had jacuzzis in them. The Manager told Arthur, Jake and Paulo to ready the tour busses to go across town to pick up their guests.

The phone rang and Chatty was told to get the boomer babes ready as the busses would be there shortly. It was hard to hear him and even harder to get the attention of the BB's so Saundra grabbed a pot from the kitchen and a big wooden spoon and banged on it until you could hear a pin drop.

Chatty jumped up on the piano again and this time told the ladies what was occuring. You have one half hour to grab your stuff and head out into the front yard. The busses are coming to get you all. Tonite is a party in The House of Blues just for us and I'm ....

Edited by chatty lady (12/27/07 10:48 PM)