Over the mantle was a huge banner that read: Welcome Danita the babe that got the ball rolling...She was now blushing as Vicki, Poppie, MsCoach, Lgood67334, Hotflashgal, AmyDoodle, Sandpiper, Yonuh and Nevadangel all gathered around her, all talking at once. Suddenly the door bell rang and since Chatty was in the kitchen digging out more snacks, Anne answered the door where on the porch she found Diamond who jut flew in from Hawaii, grass skirt and all. With her walking up the driveway was Dee, and Eagleheart and Kathy. Dotsie hurried to the door to greet all her devoted followers, most face to face for the first time. The phone was ringing so JJ grabbed it saying "Boomer Central." A male voice said, "hey lady,I gots a bus full of women here needin to find an address. I'm da driver so give it ta me slow, would ya sister?" Well, to imagine anyone speaking to her Royal Oreo'ness in such a matter, she immediately turned around and screeched for Chatty to pick up the phone and give this rude lunkhead directions. Mumbling to herself, Chatty said, "I heard that," Dianne said smiling as Chats grabbed the other phone...

In the livingroom Robin, Bonnierose and Di were discussing business's. The laughter could be heard for blocks. Then a long black limo pulled up and you'll never guess who arrived in style from Moscow, waving her arms saying...

Edited by chatty lady (12/23/07 01:37 AM)
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