Princess, Princess, Those are the only areas you should wax. The little peach fuzz on our cheeks or near our hairline on our forehead is to shade our Italian faces and help us with how we look, accenting our eyes and cheekbones! You should do your chin, if needed, your brows, if needed, and your upper lip, if needed. The rest of that light almost invisable hair is our gift to shade our little Italian faces! It makes us mysterious. I am too mysterious already but why not?

You might try growing in your eye brows from time to time to try another shape. Often our face and esp. our eyes change shape and another shape for our eyebrows looks better. For example, I am in the process of growing mine a bit thicker for effect and they look nice. I used to keep them thinner but it seems to add to my eyes to leave a bit more brow there now. You should check this from time to time so you have the right shape for your whole face!

More ideas, love!

dancer, creating.

"Question your privilege"