PL, I'm first going to get a complete physical...rule out vitamin/mineral deficiencies. AND, as of tonight, I am going to find a hypnotherapist. The more I talk to a couple of my siblings about our childhood and what is going on these days, I feel the need. There are really only two questions I want answers for and it might be that I'm simply repressing (is that the correct term) the memories surrounding them. Oh, and I'm going to try some "product" on my hair again. I think getting better help for my mom will also help me, too... in a big way!
One more question: Can life coaches work over long distances?
Boy, I sure do feel like I'm getting the better end of the deal in regards to these threads/discussions. Truly, I'm not as narcissist as it might appear. At least, I don't try to be. But, I don't believe I've had so many wise and caring women to talk to ~ EVER ~ in my life.