Mrs_Madness, This is pretty much exactly what my doctor would tell me. She's the same age as I am, and we're going through much the same sort of thing at the same time.

I'm not overly concerned - I do feel healthier than ever before in my life, good energy levels, relatively good spirits, etc. The only thing it is affecting is my sleep - the pain has been keeping me awake for the past two nights. But maybe my hubby's sling idea will help tonight!

I just brought it here to get reassurance that it is a normal part of getting older, as you said, the body changing - literally overnight - into something I don't even recognize anymore.

I appreciate your humour...helps to know others have made it through intact, albeit perhaps somewhat rearranged here and there...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)