Thousands of prostitutes are immigrating from Poland and Russia to Germany. These women are unbelievably beautiful. You would think there must be other jobs for them to choose from. I could never understand that.

I think a partial reason for all this “p” is because it is tolerated. Like I said in another post, it’s on every German channel from morning to night. Sex magazines are lined up next to kid’s comic books, with really disgusting cover pictures. Have you ever turned the dial on your radio, because the lyrics embarrassed you? Now how bad is that!

The odd thing about all this openness is that I think they are taking something very precious away from the young kids. The secretness of it all; never mind the terminology of “making love.” Jeez, what do you do when you fall in love? It’s just not special anymore .

This is when I yearn for those good old days. Black and white movies, cute lyrics, and a kiss on the lips could make you blush. How old am I?…I’m 58 going on 120. Oh well, that’s me,…from the hippie love generation. But I was corny then too.