I'm posting an entry from my blog that actually happened after I moved in my new house...the one that I love...the one that has such wonderful energy...except for...

HELP! My Reputation's in the Toilet!

Bertha just loves feng shui...and since we've just moved into a new...well new to us...house...she has been having a grand old time lining up the energy of the house with her...and my intentions.

Her room just happens to be in the romantic section of the bagua map...so she said she was doing feng shui in hopes for a fun Swede...now I'm not so sure about that...but here's how some of the other rooms played out...

My office is in the creative section...the guest room is helpful people...the living room is career...the kitchen is prosperity...the sun porch is family and friends...the dining room is the center...the porch is learning and new skills...and that leads us to...drum roll please...the bathroom is in the fame and reputation section!

Now...as you might imagine...I was a bit distraught...I mean...hello?...my reputation is in the toilet?...

Bertha laughed and laughed as I frantically looked for feng shui cures for my reputation ills...she pointed out that there's always more than one way to look at things...my reputation is squeaky clean...my reputation is bubbly...her reputation is steamy...(give me a break!)...things are really heating up for my reputation (the hot water heater is in the bathroom closet)...which also lead to there's a lot going on behind the scenes...

Bertha helped me strategically place a red candle in the room with the intention of...You Go Girl...You're On Fire!...and a bright red star with the intention of...I am a STAR...A Bright Shining Star!...and reminded me that in feng shui as in all aspects of our life...we get to choose where we put our focus...on the negatives or the positives...life is supposed to be fun...that's when I realized that there is a throne in there...hello...I'm royalty! We're still laughing about that!

Don't tell da Queen that I have a throne...it'll be moat duty for me... LOL!
Jane Carroll