What the ancients discovered is that the placement and layout of physical objects in your environment effects the flow of energy in your life. Most people don't pay much attention to how placement impacts them.

Here's a bit I read; pretty cool, eh?:

First you learn how to identify energy. All energy is good. There are just different qualities of energy. The two extremes of energy are "Sha" and "Chi" "Sha" energy is like a raging river where "Chi" energy is like a babbling brook. On a hot summer day you would jump into a babbling brook but not a raging river. This is common sense and you can use that common sense to learn and understand Feng Shui.

Then you learn how to identify ailments in your space. Like draining energy or where your money comes in and goes directly out.

Then you will learn how to cure these ailments. Cures can be as simple as placing a plant, using a 1/8" red dot or placing a 1" square mirror.

Next, you add energy into your space. There are many ways to do this but they are all simple and easy like adding a plant or burning a candle.

And finally, you learn to direct the energy you create toward manifesting your goals and dreams.

I'll try and find some examples.