My problem with clothes is that for several years now I've had no sense of what suits me anymore. That combined with no income and wildly fluctuating weight gains/losses (more gains than losses), well, I just started buying cheap clothes that, well, looked cheap. Hubby got so disgusted with my choices that he upped my allowance (the government actually designates part of his pension for me, for putting up with his deafness - which is nice, but it means I can't complain about him not hearing me anymore!)

Anyway, I don't enjoy shopping for clothes for myself anymore (but I love shopping for my granddaughter!), so I only buy classic-style, STRETCHY clothes...hoping they'll take me all the way through to the nursing home years!

But now I have to clean out the closets and get rid of the really old favourite stuff that no longer fits - and new stuff I should never have bought in the first place.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)