Yes life is short and after all she is 81, but I'm sure she will live until 100 or more. She is quite well preserved.

If this wasn't my mother I would say under the circumstances to go for coffee with a gentleman who asks you, if you want to that is.

But it is my mother and after only being a widow for 2 months it kind of bothers me, buy only out of loyalty for my Dad.

Their relationship was not a good one and if my Dad were in the same situation, he may do the same thing, who knows.

Judging is never a good thing.

I told my Mom to go out for coffee with him and didn't let her know how I felt. I do feel though that she should share this kind of thing with her friends not me. I'm still very much the grieving daughter.

After all, I still can't even go to their apartment. One minute your Dad goes, in a blink of an eye, and next your Mom is out there on the dating scene.

Kind of fast for me.