My dog is a mix between a Chinese Hairless (there are two types one has hair one does not)
My dogs mother had no hair, accept on her feet, ears and tail.
The Dad was a Maltese. She is a wonderful little dog and is quite and sweet. But, she doesn't care for dogs, as she prefers cats. I have three.
Her hair gets really long. I had just cut it all off before this photo. She looks cute here, like a little lamb but when her hair is long she looks like some kind of hairy beast especially when she bares her teeth, only when a dog has the nerve to sniff her.The Chinese Hairless can have a mean streak.
I have always had large dogs with even temperments so she was a challenge when out in the park with other dogs. I have to explain to the other dog owners about her personality. Very embarassing and the other dogs in the park just want to say hi to her, she just growls.
She is my little girl though, spoiled, sleeps in my bed and loves blankets so she has one on the couch, on the bed etc.
Can you tell my children are teenagers now and I feel the need to nurture:-)The dog is now my baby. My kids tell me I am going to be one of those weird old ladies that has 50 cats and dogs. They are probably right. I feed all the ferral cats, find homes for the ones I can catch, feed the racoons (I have four that come to my house everynight and practically knock on the door), the squirrels etc. I just love animals.