I had a wonderful service for my Dad. My brother and mother were not to keen at first but were glad I think after.
Quite a few people showed up and the minister who does life event services was great. He read some scripture and read poems. I made a double sided folded page to hand out with photos of my Dad and poems that are meaningful to me.
Many of my friends showed up to support me which meant so much.
Now the hard part. I just have no idea how to move forward. Back doing work today, from home as I just can't go into the office. I just can't seem to deal with the finality of his death. Where is he? And, I want him back. I will have moments when I'm ok, but mostly not.

I've been reading some books that are comforting but only when I read them and then the grieving resumes.
How do you get past this. It feels like I never will.