I lost my Dad today. He was my best friend and a strong male influence in my life. On my own for the past 10 years raising my children, he was there for me in a big way.

A few years ago I almost lost him when he was sick in hospital and had to have his leg amputated. Diabetes.

Now the other leg continues to get infected and he went into the hospital on Friday, was chipper on Saturday during the day but comatose after that and today he died at 3pm.

My Mom is not having a service for him so I am. I need to celebrate his life and so do his grandchildren and close friends. I'm going to take his ashes over to Denmark as his wish was to have his ashes spread around his parents grave.
We had planned to go there together some day but he didn't want to make the trip in a wheel chair. Now I will be going with him in spirit.

It's a sad, sad day. The hardest part that I wasn't prepared for was leaving him. I said my goodbyes but could not leave the room. It felt like I was leaving him all alone. It took 5 trys and I had to leave and not look back.

Hug your elderly parents today if you still have them. They can sometimes feel like a burden when you are busy with your kids, job, life but they can be gone in an instant.

I will really miss my Dad.