Dancer, that is so wonderful that you finally got your soul-mate! What a beautiful story. My first husband left me for another woman when our children were young. Her husband called me to see if I was ok and we hit it off so well we ended up falling in love!! We married as soon as we could and we are still crazy about fact it gets better all the time. My heart still skips a beat when I hear his car pull into the driveway! He had to go away on business for 3 nights and when he got home I ran down the garden path to meet him...he was running up the path and we literally jumped into eachothers arms in the garden! Good job we don't have neighbours nearby...they would think we were crazy! I love to hear other women so happily married, especially when they've had experience of an unhappy previous relationship. Happy endings are just so wonderful!
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.