Blah. I feel so de-energized and unfocused.

We just came back from a lovely vacation in Greece and Turkey. Blue waters, beautiful food, sunshine, wandering days, and I was just so pumped by it all. Felt great and healthy and sparkly.

Now I'm just blah. The winter days are getting shorter and shorter, the sky is grey and the trees are leafless. It's cold and dreary. I just feel totally numb and unmotivated.

I work outside so I get exercise and whatever little daylight there is, but from morning till night I feel like I'm sleepwalking.

I've just got to get going. I need to find some umph. I'm umphless. We're moving across the world to China Dec. 27 and I need to start sorting things and taking care of various business and paperwork and details and last minute dr. and dentist appts....but, umm, I'm doing nothing.

Anybody have any hot girlfriend recipes for pep and motivation? Special tricks to get yourself moving? I need help.