Princess Lenora,
Your post was so moving and heart-wrenching. Thank you for sharing. It was so honest and deep, I admire your words.

I should comment that I've found that anything I have sabotaged has been something I've really not wanted to do. If my heart was not in it but it seemed like an amazing chance, I'd sabotage it to get out of it, if that makes any sense.
I am fearless when my heart is in it. I soared right into working with people like WAR and BBKING, and many others when I was only in my twenties. I had no fear when doing that. I only feel fear when I feel that someone else is "driving my bus," or that I am being lead down a path I don't want to take.

I hope you, too, are fearless and be what you want to be, shining brightly! You've certainly gotten to know yourself well.

Again, I admire your deep reaching post. Thank you for answering.


"Question your privilege"