Thank you for the reply and thank you for your compassion. I will say that my life in that time was terrifying. I appeciate that you could feel that.
I think I understand very well what you are saying about turning your back on your potential some years ago. It must have been so strong as to scare you? I' sorry for that.'ve started to accept your abilities now you said?
In what areas can I ask have you opened yourself to being gifted as you always were?
I'm so pleased for you. I'm happy to hear the lightness in your tone as you talk about opening up to your talents and specialness! I'd love to hear about that too.

I, too, have run from some things. As strong of a career as I have had, I've turned down some pretty profound offers and things I could do that would be big. I am ready too to stop stopping myself. I hope I can clear the way emotionally for myself so I can bite into life fully.
I know you understand what I mean.
No time like the present, right?
This forum helps me to remember not to sabotage my life and to take from it all that it offers.

Thank you so much for your post!

"Question your privilege"