Thanks Dotsie, your prayers, and earlier wise advice definitely helped. Your comment about being able to shape the interview was uppermost in my mind during the entire interview.

It's funny how God works; I was so anxious and brain-fogged this morning that I was seriously worried, because when brainfog sets in, nothing seems to be able to penetrate - or escape. So I was praying (well, more like begging) for clarity and wisdom. Then I came on board here, and wrote a couple of posts to Writergirl (Francine) about an hour before I had to leave for the studio. It was in responding to her posts that it became clear to me what direction to go in during the interview. So I arrived "fully loaded" and was able to steer my responses to each question in that direction (replacing the self-hatred, guilt and shame of being depressed with compassion and mercy for our wounded selves and seeing depression as a legitimate treatable illness instead of as punishment or proof of our inferiority and unworthiness).

There were a few sputters, but overall it came out clear and strong. And although my face was VERY blotchy, it never showed through the makeup.

Hallelujah! It was a great experience...thank you for helping to make it so!