Dotsie, Thank you for your encouragement and your story. It never ceases to amaze me to watch God working in the most surprising places and through the most unexpected people.

As "Eagle" evolved, it became as much the story of my spiritual journey as it was about surprised me to discover just how impossible it was to separate Him from every other facet of my being and history. It was impossible to write about my lifelong struggle with depression without writing also about God`s presence and tangible mercy throughout that struggle. He was such a profound part of the writing of the book, I fully expect Him to be a profound part of anything else to do with the long as I remember not to let my fears and anxiety get too much in His way!

We`re in Quebec City right now (spent a gorgeous day roaming around the old part of the city). We`re heading to a small village (Sainte Croix and hubby`s brother) tomorrow, then to Montreal (hubby`s daughter) on Saturday, then to hubby`s Godson`s daughter`s baptism on Sunday, then home Sunday night.

The French keyboard is different, and it`s hard to find some of the punctuation marks, but I think I`m finally getting the hang of it.