Hi Lynn, nice to hear your voice...does your presence here tonight come by way of reward or realization that you belong here with or without memoir in tow? Either way, it's good to "see" you again!

About the TV spot...two weeks ago, I got a rare burst of energy and decided to use it productively before it disappeared again. So I sent out dozens of book-emails to various mental health agencies here in Canada, as well as to local tv/radio stations. I sold about 12 books that week, and received an immediate response back from one tv station, much to my surprise and delight!

The hard-to-get-to dermatologist (I've also decided in retrospect that she was a bit snarky and somewhat passive-aggressive) did give me a topical anti-biotic cream, so I don't feel too concerned about giving up the pill. I just couldn't stomach that queasiness. It was getting to the point that I wasn't keeping any food down at all. I made up for it today though...have been eating my way through my next-door neighbour's housewarming party leftovers all day!

As for the early morning queasiness, there's not much I can tolerate first thing in the morning. Way back during my breakdown in the 80's, I became severely anorexic, dropping to 89 pounds. Much of my inability to eat was because of severe queasiness in the morning, so I couldn't keep down any breakfast so stopped trying to eat any, then would become so hungry I would get nauseated at the sight of any food, and then it kept snowballing until I wasn't eating at all.

After an emergency meeting with a nutritionist, I buckled down and forced myself to eat breakfast, but the only thing I could eat was a scrambled egg. It gradually became a "mind over matter" thing, until it became so automatic that I didn't even have to think about it. I would get up in the morning and cook that egg and swallow it down without even flinching. But for many years, I couldn't NOT have that egg. I couldn't stomach anything else.

Now years later, I'm definitely not anorexic, but still have that problem with not being able to face food first thing in the morning. But I have to, because I can't ever let myself go down that dangerous road again. So I still have to have an egg every morning. Everyone we visit knows I have to have that egg, so it's rarely a problem, especially with McDonald's around just about every corner!

Oddly enough, the only other thing I can stomach first thing in the morning is cold pizza...if I know there's a left-over piece of Pizza Hut's Edge pizza in the fridge, I can't stay in bed the next morning. I have to rush out of bed, forget the shower, and have that pizza for breakfast - go figure that one out!!