Thanks Pam and Lionspaaw. I tried a new approach with the tetracyline today. Since my stomach is already unsettled first thing in the morning, I decided to switch the pill to 11:00, an hour before lunch. And I reduced the dosage to one pill instead of two, just to see what the reaction would be. It wasn't as bad as before, but there's still nausea and now some red itchy bumps appearing in odd places. So I'll have to stop taking it and check with the doctor to see if there's something else out there that's not so strong.

I agree sincere as I am in trying to put things in a positive light, (sigh) it would be nice to, just once, look in the mirror and be pleased with what and who's looking back at me, without having to go delving deep behind the blotchy face and past all the tempting negative self-talk.