Tomorrow is wedding day, and all is well at the home front. Whew. Thanks again ladies for helping me push everything back into prospective and recognizing the priority of things, so that Hubby and I can enjoy the day watching our oldest son tie the knot. ( although there is something to that picture above... shhhh that's our secret. )

German weddings are a blast! The entire day is filled with speeches skits and jokes...and usually lasts till 5:00 in the morning!. We're giving the newly weds money for a new bed. I bought three night caps, which Hubby, my Mom and I will wear when we present our gift... ( nice bed linens, with a doll's bed propped on the package). We want to hand it over while singing a "Bed" song...and that as sexy as we can get. We've had so much fun practicing, hope we don't pee in our pants laughing when presenting our little show tomorrow. Although, ... it may bring them good luck!