Hello my friends. Just wanted to let you know our little family has agreed to a cease fire.

In German there is a saying; “The smarter one gives in.”…Well guess Hubby and I are the geniuses. Our son has taken on his fiancé’s last name.

That wasn’t the issue anymore, though. Our son was terribly aggressive and angry about us all not accepting it…and now we know why. It’s because he had already changed his name at the notary before he even consulted us. Maybe after all our arguments, he regretted changing it…and found no other way then to lash out at us. That could explain his behaviour.

I’m just trying to find comfort in the fact that there is peace between the brothers. He also took me in his arms and told me how he loves me and is sorry that he was such a mean bully. (He really was awful!)

Last week I had written a funny, but emotional touching poem to read at the wedding. I don’t know yet if I can still do it,…especially about the part about us being so happy about gaining a daughter….

… I know, I know… I have to come to terms with it, and find peace within myself. I’ll try, I really will. … There is one comforting thought in all this. They are expecting a baby in February …and someday this baby will grow up ….and be independent and do whatever it wants to do as well. Now it’s their turn to be parents and deal with all that comes with it.

tee hee

Thank you all for your prayers and all your valuable advice. It truly helped me stay calm ( No, I didn’t take any valium), and think; “whatever shall be…will be”. Oh and Mountain Ash, would you like my DIL’s address? You made me lol. Thank you.