Hope you attend the wedding --no matter what the outcome of the family meeting will be.

Parents and other family members have to remember....it's not about themselves, but about the long-term happiness of the individuals who are getting married.

I would like to add...here...I made a serious mistake when I caved in to parental pressure and did not attend my sister's wedding (the one that they ostracized for 10 years because of marrying a white guy).

I had to (deservedly) deal with the anger and pain from my sister directly for quite awhile....even though she did understand how much pressure her siblings were subjected to by parents.

This is the sister, who is the mother of now a adult daughter who is now an engineer and adult son who was a competitive swimmer, now university student. Yes, my parents are proud of their grandchildren and all is well.

It's a long terrible road when a parent does not attend a child's wedding.

My sister celebrates her 25th weddding anniversary this year.

It is more important than this argument over potential last name change...that the couple are well-matched.
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