Aaaaah my dear friends. I just love you gals. You have no idea how you are all helping me cope (once again).

Yes, Lola. I’m going to call my younger son and share that quote from Shakespeare.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

What a perfect quote, and how very true. Maybe I’ll copy it and send it to my oldest son as well.

Dancer, If my sons don’t reconcile, I’ll probably have to go without my husband to the wedding. I imagine that I’ll feel more miserable there, then at home. The only solution is a ceasefire.

Muskateerette, you may be on to something there. Actually we get along with DIL’s parents very well. I don’t think they are behind this at all. This is just my DIL. She has a few problems that we could never really understand or relate to; like she hardly leaves the house, she has a terrible weight problem, and has built her cocoon nest the way she needs it around her. It could be that jealousy was once a factor, but it has turned to manipulation, stubbornness and control. My husband and I have never understood what our son sees in her, but we can only accept. There isn’t much else we can do.