I think your suggestion is good Anne. At this point though, I don't care if my son calls himself Cock-a Doodle -Doo...a name seems so irrelevant now.

Orchid, I took it to heart what you wrote about being there at my son's wedding no matter what. I'm really torn about this. My other son just reacted in our behalf, and now he's been "uninvited"!! I'm feeling more loyal to him, so I don't know really. I hope Lola is right and when the wedding date nears, my older son will come to his senses.

Lady Jane, it is amazing how egotistical and cruel adult children can be. That must have been devastating for your husband.

I'm trying to think positively despite everything...Infact my husband has been joking about the situation all day. I don’t think he really believes this is happening. Even my Mom has taken sides and said we could all head for the hills on my son’s wedding day and stuff ourselves till we roll off some friggin’ mountain.

I just had a drink. Can you tell?