Duing the last two weeks, we’ve attended two funeral homes and two funerals. Both were for members of the Greatest Generation whose beloved children cared for them until God called them home. We entertained a friend whose dad took a fall and was six hours from death before someone found him. Our friend is in town to visit his dad and take mom visiting retirement communities. I’ve taken Dad to his doctor appointments and food shopping. Ross, my husband, has visited his dad and is now responsible for his financial management. I also filled in at Ross’s office for a gal whose mom was having emergency surgery.

I’ve been giving lots of thought to this whole role reversal stage and have decided a few things. While I feel blessed to be involved with members of this magnificent generation of men and women, it can also take it’s toll on our generation who are often caring for four generations - including our grandchildren. Instead of the Sandwich Generation, I like to refer to us as the Club Sandwich Generation. The sandwich keeps getting bigger.

Here’s a link to the National Association of Baby Boomer Women which offers some great articles on the subject:


If you find yourself caring for the elderly, how are you holding up?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.