Well Ladyjane, as you know we ended up talking about this one in the Whine section! But at the time of it all, no, I didn't struggle spiritually...I absolutely clung to God with all my might and felt confident that He would get me and the kids through it all.

I only recently (6yrs or so) started going to a fairly strict church. It seemed refreshing after my old church which was led by a man who was very ungodly and even told my friend's husband that blue movies were ok!!!

My hubby and I were seeking a church with upright people and ended up where we are now. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of lovely people there and our Pastor is a good man. It's just all the intolerance and pointless rules I can't cope with. We realised we wouldn't feel comfortable inviting my unsaved family members to come with us because we think it would put them off God for life...isn't that sad? Man! Why are we going there??
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.