Ladyjane, just going back to what you said earlier about feeling sad at this time of year....the same thing happens to me in January...I always forget about it though until I start to feel really miserable and then realise, hey, it's the same week as when he told me he was leaving all those years ago...weird.

Chatty, what a horrible thing to happen to you...but maybe it was a narrow escape after all?

Hannelore, to answer your question...I never thought for a second about being single...I just wanted to be married! When my ex moved out, I remember feeling liberated that I could cook all the meals I loved that he hated and I could decorate the house as I wanted...but other than that, I just wanted a husband to share everything with! My new hubby was a "fellow-victim" of infidelity so I trusted him quite easily. I don't think I could have trusted someone who hadn't been through the same as me...and of course my hubby's first wife was the woman who had the affair with my first husband, so he knew EXACTLY what I had been through! Unique situation I guess.

Edited by Countrygirl (10/17/07 06:35 PM)
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.