I am VERY thankful for my faith (which truly has been tested) and my friends who have truly been faithful.

The grief process is so interesting.

Thank you ladies for sharing YOUR stories and struggles...I knew I could share here, and that a. I wouldn't be alone, and b. You all would relate!

Eagle, it IS about losing those dreams for the future, isn't it. So difficult. I used to say I knew for sure that:

1. I was sapposed to be married to my husband
2. I was sapposed to homeschool my children
3. That I am a child of God.

Now, I only know #3 for sure. Talk about beind reduced to the basics. :0)

Starting Over - It's a day at a time...isn't it.

Dots, yup, LOTS of transitions in my life. And going with the "flow" seems to be the right thing.

Chatty - I know you understand. Funny you should mention a garden - I've realized that I've spent YEARS tending others' gardens - and that now, its time, to tend my own.

Ladyjane - what a story. Wow. God bless you. Where in Maine are you. A friend of mine and HER husband just left the ministry in Maine.

Hugs to you all sisters. Thanks for relating.

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My most recent story for my mom: